Bryan Borzykowski from The Globe and Mail sits down with Jamie to talk about Idea Rebel and being 100% paper free and our zero waste policies.
Being paper free is such an important part of who we are at Idea Rebel, not only because we are a “Digital Agency” but also because running an environmentally sustainable business is integral to our business model. Jamie takes the opportunity to talk about why he chose this route for the company from the start and what it means for our Rebel team members to adapt their creative processes and work habits.
“…Idea Rebel is a truly paperless office. Pay stubs are e-mailed to employees, notes are taken on tablet devices and whiteboards get heavy use. Designers are allowed to bring in a pad of paper, but they have to take them home with them at the end of each day.
He wanted to go paperless, he says, because his business is all about creating digital products, such as applications, websites and social media tools. Using paper is the antithesis of his company’s core values.”
Read the full article here >>>
June 14, 2017